University Health Center Student Advisory Board

Our Mission
The University Health Center Student Advisory Board will represent the University of Nebraska-Lincoln student body with regard to the health and wellness of the University community.
The Board will advise the assessing, planning, and implementing of programs for the University Health Center and make recommendations to the University Health Center staff and administration on topics related to student health and wellness.
The Board is responsible for maintaining a relationship with the administration and supporting the mission of the University Health Center and its affiliated programs and services while promoting healthy living for all students, faculty, and staff.
Our Vision
The University Health Center Student Advisory Board is committed to promoting all nine dimensions of well-being for all students, faculty, and staff at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
The Board strives to create an open dialogue about health and wellness on campus and the importance of balanced physical and mental well-being.
The Board supports efforts to educate the University community about health issues through social media campaigns, on-campus events, and personal interactions with the community at-large.
Our Scope
The scope of the University Health Center Student Advisory Board will be to engage students in important discussions about health and well-being.
The Board will utilize social media, personal interactions, on-campus events, and other marketing tools to foster a campus-wide conversation about mental and physical health and their importance for success in academic and professional endeavors.
When necessary, the Board will serve as a review committee for new University Health Center programs or services as requested by University Health Center Administrators.
When We Meet
The Board meets every other Wednesday from 7 to 8 p.m. at the University Health Center, room 126.
Although only students elected to the board may vote on issues, board meetings and committee participation are open to any interested students.
Submit Your Comments and Suggestions
We appreciate receiving comments and suggestions from UNL students, faculty and staff members and community members about all aspects of the University Health Center.
If you would like a University Health Center Student Advisory Board member to reply to your message, please include your name and contact information with the subject line as UHC SAB.
Submit comments and suggestions by emailing
Current Board Members
Alyssa Vetere
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Biological Sciences (Pre-PA)
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I was born on a Friday the 13th!
Reason for joining the SAB: I want to raise awareness about the importance of personal health and the resources available to students on campus.
Andy Foster
Pronouns: He/him
Major: Nutrition, Exercise and Health Sciences
Year in school: Junior
Fun fact: The only bone I’ve ever broken is my skull!
Reason for joining the SAB: I wanted to help students get to know about the amazing resources available on campus through the health center!

Briana Rios
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Nutrition, Exercise and Health Sciences
Year in school: Sophomore
Fun fact: I love everything about music. I love attending concerts, creating playlists, sharing music, and updating myself with new releases!
Reason for joining the SAB: Not only to make great friends but also to be a part of something so meaningful and important to me. I wanted to be a part of something that helps students with all their health needs.

Cali Bokenkroger
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Biology
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: My middle finger is double-jointed.
Reason for joining the SAB: I really wanted to help students know their resources at the health center and be a part of a program that wants to help students.

Carlene Nguyen
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Biological Sciences
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I have a LEGO collection!
Reason for joining the SAB: I wanted to make a positive impact on the student population by promoting the amazing opportunities and resources that the university’s health center offers. Furthermore, I hope to meaningfully contribute to the growth of health initiatives on campus!

Christine Phuong
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Biochemistry
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I know how to play the clarinet and viola!
Reason for joining the SAB: I am passionate about bringing light to the many health services that are offered at the health center! I want to advocate for the health and wellness needs of others and promote healthy living as a student!

Elizabeth Gunn
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Pre-nursing
Year in school: Sophomore
Fun fact: I would like to go skydiving someday.
Reason for joining the SAB: I wanted to join UHC SAB to improve aspects of campus that need more help in a health-related setting, and to get people to realize the importance of health on campus.

Emily Dohman
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Biochemistry
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I have a lot of plants and I love cooking!
Reason for joining the SAB: I wanted to help make information about UNL’s Health Center accessible to all UNL students so they can get the most out of it.

Emma Bichler
Major: Biochemistry
Year in school: Pre-nursing
Fun fact: I love spending time with my family and friends!
Reason for joining the SAB: I joined the Student Advisory Board in hopes of sharing with others the amazing opportunities this place offers!

Grace Hodges
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Biochemistry
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I studied abroad in Chile this summer to shadow healthcare professionals and practice Spanish.
Reason for joining the SAB: I wanted to be part of the liaison between the University Health Center and the student body as well as learn more about the health center myself.

Jack Redd
Pronouns: He/him
Major: Biological sciences-human health and disease
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I was born in California.
Reason for joining the SAB: I wanted to make a positive change in the healthcare available to students at UNL.

Jaya Bellamy
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Nutrition, Exercise and Health Sciences
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I was born with one kidney!
Reason for joining the SAB: The reason I joined UHC is because I wanted to be more involved on campus from a health and wellness standpoint. I love anything to do with taking care of people and this was one way I felt their program implemented perfectly!

Kimberly Nguyen
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Sciences
Year in school: Senior
Fun Fact: I have no armpit hair.
Reason for joining the SAB: The health center is a valuable resource that many students are not aware of. I wanted to actively participate in advocating and providing healthcare resources that are easily accessible and inclusive, as well as promote healthy living as a student!

Lauren Hildahl
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Sciences
Year in school: Junior
Fun fact: I'm allergic to avocados!
Reason for joining the SAB: I'm passionate about helping others and making improvements to campus resources. Additionally, I'm excited to be a part of an on-campus community and meet new like-minded individuals!

Lauren Krecek
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Biochemistry
Year in school: Biochemistry
Fun fact: I love to make people laugh
Reason for joining the SAB: I love making a difference in the university.

Lawren Volz
Major: Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Sciences (Pre-dietetics)
Year in school: Sophomore
Fun fact: I was named after my dad (Lawrence)!
Reason for joining the SAB: I wanted to help promote what the health center offers and the awesome services they have! Especially as an out-of-state student, I wanted to help spread word about how easy it is to make appointments, check in, and that the services are open to all students.

Natalie Hazuka
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Sciences (Pre-dietetics)
Year in school: Sophomore
Fun fact: I used to have pet ducks.
Reason for joining the SAB: I wanted to be involved in something on campus where I could make a difference. I wanted to be a voice for the students to advocate for changes in the Health Center while also communicating all that it has to offer.

Praneetha Thutika
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Cellular Biochemistry (Pre-med)
Year in school: Sophomore
Fun fact: I speak 6 different languages.
Reason for joining the SAB: I want the students at UNL to know about the university health center and help others show the wonderful resources on campus.

Sarah Massman
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Microbiology (Pre-PA)
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I have been skydiving!
Reason for joining the SAB: I am passionate about ensuring all students are aware of the resources this university offers, and I wanted to be more involved in its efforts to make the process of accessing these resources easier.

Sienna Sohler
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Biology
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I studied abroad in Siena, Italy!
Reason for joining the SAB: To get more involved on campus and to promote all of the health services available to students at UNL!

Steven Faltas
Pronouns: He/him
Major: Biological Sciences
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I like to cook.
Reason for joining the SAB: To represent the UNL student body and help students find the necessary resources for their health.

Tenley Katt
Pronouns: She/her
Major: Finance (Pre-Medicine)
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I have lived in Lincoln, NE my whole life!
Reason for joining the SAB: I wanted to be more involved with the Health Center as well as be able to be a voice that advocates for our student body. I also wanted to meet other people that are interested in medicine and humanities, and learn tons of things along the way with them! My majors cover science and business, so I also thought that what I learn in classes would align well with thinking about all aspects of the Health Center.

Thomas Braun
Pronouns: He/him
Major: Athletic training
Year in school: Senior
Fun fact: I am double-jointed.
Reason for joining the SAB: I wanted to do my part in improving the healthcare of campus.