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Hours of Service

Monday through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Sunday: Closed

Call Us: 402.472.7457

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Patient Eligibility

  • University of Nebraska students from all campuses
  • UNL, Nebraska Medicine and UNMC employees and their dependents
  • Visiting scholars

First aid kit

Services Covered By Student Fees

  • Student fees do not cover pharmacy services.

Our Services

Prescription Services

Save time and hassle by filling your prescriptions on campus. We offer easy prescription transfers, mobile app refills, 60- and 90-day supplies and free mail-order options.

Learn more

Over-the-Counter Products

We offer hundreds of products to help you stay well, including pain relievers, allergy medicine, vitamins, pregnancy tests, condoms, emergency contraception, first aid kit supplies and more.

Learn more

Meet Our Staff

Aaron Kassebaum portrait

Aaron Kassebaum

Kaycee Neil portrait

Kaycee Neil

Stephanie Snyder portrait

Stephanie Snyder

Shannan portrait

Shannan Kramer

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to fill my prescription?

Times may vary, but most same-day refills are fulfilled within 20 minutes. To save you waiting time, we recommend requesting a refill 24 hours prior to pickup. Your first visit will include gathering your personal information and allergies. Bring your insurance card or a copy/photo of both sides of the card with you to your visit. Please note that some insurance providers have separate medical and prescription cards, in which case you will need to bring your prescription card only.

Can I send someone else to pick up my prescription?

Prescription information is confidential by law, so we prefer for you to pick up a new prescription so we can explain the drug to you personally. You can send someone else to pick up a refilled prescription. Call 402.472.7457 in advance to authorize another person to pick up the prescription refill. For your protection, the person picking up the prescription will be asked for identification.

Will my parents be notified about my prescriptions?

We will provide prescription information to you only, unless you give written authorization to release this information. However, if you are using insurance belonging to your parent(s), the insurance company may or may not contact the person responsible for that insurance policy. All University Health Center pharmacy information is strictly confidential.

Can I use the University Health Center after I leave the university?

Students may use the health center pharmacy for one semester after they have left the university.

Do you have information about patient assistance programs that may help me cover the cost of my medication?

Patient assistance programs are run by pharmaceutical companies. These programs help patients who qualify to receive medication free of charge or at a reduced rate. Qualifications vary from company to company, but most are based on income and lack of prescription coverage.

The University Health Center offers enrollment assistance at no charge. Call 402.472.5000 for more information.

Below are sites that provide a directory of available programs for a variety of needs: